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School Values

Our School Vision

Our vision is to develop a school community where children can enjoy a welcoming, secure, happy and healthy environment, where all members can develop self-confidence, self-esteem, self-motivation, independence, compassion, tolerance and understanding of others.


Our School Aims

Below is a list of the aims that the school has prioritised to help us achieve our vision.




We aim to create a school: 

Pupils’ Progress - Achievement and Standards

Which has high standards of achievement

In which all lessons taught are good or better

Where a clear emphasis is placed on Reading, Writing and Maths

Which prepares children for the next stage of their education

Which challenges our children to achieve their full potential

Pupils’ Personal Qualities - Personal Development and Well Being

Are happy and safe

Achieve behaviour and standards we are proud

Are independent in their learning

Begin the journey of lifelong learners

Promote respect for themselves, others and the environment

Develop enquiring minds and a spirit of curiosity

Resource Management - Quality of Provision

Which makes the most of the local environment in children’s learning

Where staff are committed to their own learning journey and the sharing of quality practice

Which achieves value for money

  Which provides training/career progression for professionals

 Leadership & Management

Which has excellent Leadership & Management

Which creates leaders at all levels

Which communicates effectively with stakeholders

What Makes Marlborough Juniors Special?

Place the emphasis on having fun whilst learning

Encourage and develop music, sport, art and drama

Encourage children, staff, parents and our local community to work together as a team

Embrace technology

Provide a range of experiences through educational visits and visitors
