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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4:

In Year 4, we believe that every child matters and their journey through school,  should be filled with excitement, engagement and collaboration allowing them to reach their full potential. Children and staff work in unison to make sure each child can access the curriculum and make progress.


4R Mrs Rahman(AHT)  & Mrs Din (TA)  

4G  Mr Giblin & Mrs Akhter (TA)             


4K- Mrs Kaur & Mrs Ali (TA)   



Curriculum Overview:


Autumn 1:

Off with her Head!

Autumn 2:

Burps, Bottoms and Bile

Spring Term:

Misty Mountains



Summer 1:

Blue Abyss

Summer 2:

Road Trip to USA


Events & Trips:




Autumn 1- Tudor Parent Workshop

Autumn 2- Reading Parent Workshop

Autumn 2-Digestive system models Parent Workshop

Spring 2-Brighouse Residential

Summer 1-Sealife Centre

Summer 2-Weaving Dreamcatcher Parent Workshop

RE Visit-Pagoda visit (Buddhist Place of Worship)



Spring 2 - Maths- So far this half term year 4 have been immersed in fractions. Understanding the role of the numerator and denominator, finding equivalent fractions, simplifying fractions ( when need) and converting between improper and mixed number fractions.

Recreating the earth's structure using: biscuits, cherry jam, lemon curd and strawberry jam. Practical learning

Year 4 had a visit from the local Fire Service: talking about fire prevention and what to do if a fire breaks out.

This Half-term Year 4 looked at organs and sketched them as part of our Burps, Bottoms and Bile Topic

Year 4 Investigating The Amount Of Sugar In Popular Drinks

Year 4 Autumn 2 Outline Of Work

Maths through apparatus


Apparatus help us to understand mathematical concepts much easier! 


Blakesley Hall

Learning about the Tudors 


As part of Year 4 learning journey, we had the opportunity to visit Blakesley Hall! The whole day was around Tudors and their lifestyle- what they wore, ate and did. We also had an in site as to what the life of a educated and wealth individual would be compared to one of a servant. We had the chance to dress up too! 

We were also able to have a guided tour around house and gardens. The afternoon consisted of , herb hunting, calligraphy writing using quills, construction and art. 

A wonderful time had by all.


What a beautiful building made from wood, clay and cow poo!


We had a go at many different activities in the work shop, including construction...

 ....brass rubbings....



So far this term Year 4 have been researching Elizabeth I. They have learnt about her early life, family and life as Queen. They even uncovered family betrayal that led her to be held prisoner in The Tower of London.


Singing with BBC World Music Day- Birmingham Town Hall

4R learning to play the flute.

Check out our skills! Basketball players of the future! 🏀

Henry VIII art lesson- getting creative! 🖍✏️🎨

Teacher in the making... a lesson learnt.

Hafsah took over the history lesson today! As part of the cornerstones project, Hafsah created her very own PowerPoint presentation all about Henry VIII! We learnt a lot! Thank you Hafsah! 

4R African Dance

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A wonderful hour learning to dance.

World food day- Belgium 🇧🇪

4R Rock Legend Towhidur Rahman, Answering questions in less than 0.72 seconds!

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Welcome Meeting Year 4
