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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3



In Year 3 we believe that every child matters and their learning journey should be filled with excitement, engagement and collaboration allowing them to reach their full potential. Children and staff work in unison to make sure each child can access the curriculum and make rapid progress.


Year 3 Team:


3B - Mr Beech is the class teacher and Mrs Islam and Mrs Rani are the teaching Assistants.

3A - Mrs Ahmed is the class teacher and Mrs Ashfaq is the teaching assistant.

3SA - Mrs Akhtar is the class teacher and Mrs Iqbal is the teaching Assistant.


Curriculum Overview:



Autumn 1:


Autumn 2:

Heroes & Villains

Spring 1:


Spring 2:


Summer :

Urban Pioneers


Trips & Events:

Year 3 Trips 2017/2018

Parent Workshops

· Parent Welcome Meeting

· No Outsiders Consultation

· GRE Consultation

· Year 3 Expectations Workshop

· Reading Parents Workshop

· Maths Parents Workshops

· Creative Curriculum Workshops


· Animal Man Visits

· BBC Music Day Visit (Birmingham Town Hall)

· African Dance Workshop (Black History Month)

· National Fitness Day

Heroes & Villains

· Wizard of OZ Theatre Trip

· Book Week – Cinderella


·Volcanoes virtual Reality experience 



Urban Pioneers

· Tour Guides – Local Area Visit Birmingham City Centre

· Graffiti Artists Workshop




Today we had a visit from the local animal handler. She bought in a range of predators from all over the world. She talked to use about different species of animals including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects. During her visit we found out about the different dietary requirement of both domestic and wild animals. We investigated the ingredients of common pet foods and compared this with the diet of a wild animal. Identifying the similarities and differences between wild and domestic animals diets.

Animal Handler Visit

This Half Term - We are reading Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl

Maths 10.9.18


In Maths this week we have been working on fluency. We have been learning to recognise the place value of each digit in a 2 and 3 digit number using practical resources. We can now use base 10, place value cards and place value counters to represent 2 and 3 digit numbers, explaining what each digit represents. 



Place Value Week 10.9.18

Food Chain Paper Chains


Food Chains:


During Science this week we have been learning to gather information about the diet of wild animals. Presenting our research in food chains. We now know the differences between primary and secondary consumers.


Come and ask us about Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores. We will tell you all about who eats who! 

Music - 11.9.18

When we started to learn 'Let Your Spirit Fly' this week, the words made us think about how lucky we are to have what we have. UNICEF Article 6 & 27



Fossils Factory!


This week we have been learning how fossils are formed. We use Plaster and Paris to make our own fossils.


Fossils Factory !

Monday 24th September 2018
To we investigated the way in which water is transported within plants.

Performance Poetry


This week in English the children have learnt how to Perform Poetry. They have innovated the poem 'The Sound Collector' by Roger Mcgough creating their own poems about predators using a range of verbs, adjectives and onomatopoeia.


In Year 3 this week we have been learning how to add pairs of  2 and 3 digit numbers using the expanded column method. It was really hard at first but then we started to use our knowledge of place value to help us when partitioning and re combining. We can know even add numbers using re-naming.

Addition Using Expanded Method

World Food Day

Today we all celebrated World Food Day. We learnt about the cultures of Italy, France and Turkey creating facts files, mosaics and a range of different cuisine from all three European countries. Then during the afternoon we hosted the Marlborough Food Festival. We sampled delicious snacks from a range of tasty treats from across the world. 






Computing (1.10.18)


Creating our ultimate predators in out innovation challenge for cornerstones has been great fun this week. We've definitely improved our computer skills and loved using Purple Mash.


Getting our Creatively On!


We had an exciting week this week. We have been sketching different birds of prey, making junk model of birds and the best part was dissects owl pellets to answer the question 'What do Owls eat?'

Presenting data 


In maths this week we have been learning how to create a bar chart to present data. 



VR workshop


Today,we had our first Virtual Reality experience. we took a closer look at volcanoes and applied our prior leaving.


Number Day 


Year 3 had lots of fun with numbers. We made lots of accurate measurements of our bodies. We looked at different units of measurement and discussed the most suitable.


Internet safety week


Year 3 discussed how to feel safe on the internet. We made posters to give advice and make people aware.



Parents workshop

Year 3 children had a fantastic time making volcanoes with their parents. They showed fantastic creativity and teamwork skills. 








Bread tasting

This week Year 3 had the opportunity to taste different breads from around the world. We tried baguettes, croissants and ciabatta. It was a lot of fun discussing which breads were our favourite. 





                                                                          Science week


Year 3 had a great time trying out different experiments for science week.







Year 3 visited Birmingham city centre



They had lots of fun exploring.  St martins church and the Birmingham library.


