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Welcome to Marlborough Primary School

On behalf of all the staff and children, we would like to extend a very warm welcome to our school. 

We sincerely hope that you and your child enjoy your time with us.


At Marlborough Primary School we believe that the primary phase of education is the most important in a child's learning journey. It is a time when we aim to nurture in all our children a lifelong love of learning.


Everyone at Marlborough Primary School is committed to providing a caring and friendly school, a happy place to learn because happy children make engaged learners who will become equipped with the skills to achieve their very best.  We encourage children to think for themselves, placing emphasis on problem-solving, decision making and becoming independent learners.


Children's enthusiasm for learning is fostered, as is their pride in their achievements and pride in the school community. Individual efforts are valued and celebrated in an atmosphere that encourages self and mutual respect.


Confidence in a school comes from knowing and understanding what is happening within it. We hope you will take advantage of the opportunities throughout the year to visit the school on occasions such as class assemblies, ‘Celebration' assemblies, parent/child workshops, as well as parents evenings.


Marlborough Primary School aspires to be easily accessible to parents. A successful school is one where there is a partnership between school and home.


When children join our school, they will enjoy themselves, thrive and achieve their best in our stimulating, learning environment. We use every opportunity to provide motivating activities which will stretch your child's imagination and allow them to learn through first-hand experiences.



Julie Greenwood  - CEO Leigh Trust

 Rehana Yasmeen -  Deputy CEO Leigh Trust

Alison Williams  -  Head Teacher

