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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5:


In Year 5 we believe that every child matters and their learning journey should be filled with excitement, engagement and collaboration allowing them to reach their full potential. Through our teaching we equip children with the knowledge, skills and understanding that is necessary to make informed choices. We believe that appropriate teaching and learning experiences help children to lead happy and rewarding lives.

Children and staff work in unison to make sure each child can access the curriculum and make progress.


 Year 5 Team: 


 5R- Mrs Rouf  (AHT) & Miss Dyer (TA)

 5S- Miss Shabbir  (Teacher) & Mrs Rafique (TA)

 5A- Miss Ahmed (Teacher) & Mrs Kaur (TA)



 Curriculum Overview: 


Autumn 1:


Autumn 2:

Beast Creator

Spring 1:


Spring 2:

Alchemy Island


Time Travellor


 Trips and Events:


Year 5 Trips 2018/2019

Parent Workshops

· Parent Welcome Meeting

· No Outsiders Consultation

· GRE Consultation

· Year 5 Expectations Workshop

· Reading Parents Workshop

· Maths Parents Workshops

· Creative Curriculum Workshops


· Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery 

· African Masks Painting Workshop (Black History Month)

· National Fitness Day

 Beast Creator

· Animal Man workshop

. RE Visit- Mosque (Place of Worship)


· Black Country Museum

 Alchemy Island

· Brighouse: 27.03.19- 29.03.19

. Mad Science potions Workshop

 Time Travellor

· Safari Park

. VR Goggles in School







 As part of Year 5 learning journey, we had the opportunity to visit Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery in   Chamberlain Square, where the children looked at a variety of exhibits such as Egyptian, Roman and Angelo Saxon   artefacts (including the ‘Staffordshire hoard’). The children studied artwork by a range of artists.We had a great time! 

Monday 10th September 2018


Children looked at photos of, and information  about, the contents of Tutankhamun's tomb. The children generated questions about the contents and wrote them in Learning Journey books. 

Monday 24th September 2018


LO: To present information about the mummification process.





In this lesson, children identified the main features of the poem ' Chivvy.' The children considered how Micheal Rosen has written the poem and used his style of writing to create their own poem for adults. 
LO: To arrange events from Ancient Egypt in chronological order.

In this lesson, we researched different events in Ancient Egypt and put them in chronological order. 


Did you know?


Archaeological discoveries suggest that Egyptian hieroglyphics may be the oldest form of writing. 

Black History Month

LO: To perform a rap. 


The children performed a rap about Martin Luthur King. 


Rapping first gained popularity in the US in the 70s and was a kind of street act, especially among African American teenagers.  

Like Black History Month, teenagers wrote and performed lyrics about equal rights, love and harmony. 

African Masks


Each mask has been carefully sculpted from Albesia wood.

We learnt about African art and how most African masks are thought to portray the faces of spirits and gods.

We decorated the masks using paint.


What each colour represents? 



Green- Earth

Blue- Innocence 

Orange- Fire

Gold- Fortune

World Mental Health Day 

Wednesday 10th October 2018


  • A person is a person, no matter how small.
  • No negative talk
  • Exercise and have a healthy diet.
  • Self- esteem
  • Being positive

Did you know?

Anyone can suffer from mental health illness at anytime.

World Food Day


Tuesday 23rd October 2018

LO: To present information about Cleopatra.


Key headings:

Who is Cleopatra?


Personal qualities


Interesting information

Did you know?


Tuesday 23rd October 2018

To create a character description for a mythical creature.


Key questions:

What kind of characters would you find in a mythical story?

What makes them different to a character in a normal story?

What can you use to up level your character description?

Wednesday 7th November 2018

Animal Lady

We all enjoyed a wonderful afternoon when Laura 'The Animal Lady' visited us this week. We observed movements and listened for any sounds made by the animals and watched in amazement how they responded to Laura’s voice and handling.

We were introduced to Barry the Tortoise, two snakes (Royal Python and Borneo snake), the giant Austrian snail, a gecko, white scops-owl and other animals. We learned about how these animals live, feed and survive in the wild.

At first some children were reluctant to touch or hold some of the animals but as the session progressed pupils were volunteering to hold the different animals!

Anti- Bullying Posters

Monday 19th November 2018

LO:  To understand that the properties of everyday materials are linked with everyday use. 


Key questions:


Why is a material?


Can you name some properties of materials?


Why is wood used for doors?


Why are some floors covered in plastic tiles and others covered in carpets?


Why are windows made from glass and metal or glass and plastic?


Why are clothes made from cotton or wool?



LO: To write a recipe for friendship. 
Animals and habitats.
LO: To identify on a map different animal habitats.

Pupils used reading materials to find out information about minibeasts, then marked on a map of the world where they can be found. Pupils wrote some key facts on why the animals are located in that country.
More minibeasts work...
LO: To identify habitats for different minibeasts.

Pupils looked at a range of pictures of the homes that minibeasts make and use, including a wasp's paper nest, ant's nest, froghopper's cuckoo-spit and a spider's Web. Pupils used the information provided to find out more about each type of home.
End Outcome: Creating a minibeast model out of clay

We loved sculpting our own minibeasts out of clay. We felt very relaxed as we were making them. The room was very quiet as everyone was concentrating really hard on how the clay felt. It was a calm moment and a chance to express ourselves.

We have our minibeasts on display by our classroom window and it makes us feel good when children from other classes say how amazing our minibeasts are!



LO: To study the Victorians and create a timeline of key events in chronological order. 


What a fantastic start to the year it has been, year 5 have been learning all about the Victorians! Here are some examples of the timelines the children have created. 


Did you know?

Queen Victoria wasn’t actually called Victoria? She was in fact named Alexandrina after her godfather.




LO: To describe the movement of the earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system.


The children created models to show the movement of the Sun, Earth and Moon. Each pair/group got a chance to show their model and demonstrate how it works.



World Religion Day 2019 


UNICEF Article:

Article 2: The right not to be discriminated against based on what your religion is. 

Article 14: You have the right to choose your own religion. 


LO: To understand the teachings of Judaism. 


For World Religion Day the children in year 5 explored the teachings of Judaism, they learnt all about the history of the religion, beliefs, worship and special Jewish symbols. They really enjoyed leaning all about the religion. The classes also created 3D artefacts linked to the Jewish faith.  



Year 5 Gaming Workshop 


Children in year 5 took part in a special gaming workshop that discussed the issue of E safety and how to stay safe online. Through drama and role-play the children acted out different scenarios and learnt what appropriate responses should be to issues that may arise online. The children then performed their role-plays to parent at the end of the day and shared all they had learnt online. It was an enjoyable workshop for all involved! 

Holocaust Remembrance Day 


Children learnt about the importance of Holocaust Remembrance and discussed what UNICEF articles linked to the topic. The class discussion allowed children to empathise and show sensitivity to the issues being discussed. The children were able to sympathise with the awful treatment of the Jewish people and were able to link Article 14 to the topic, discussion also included how we could all show tolerance to one another regardless of race or religion. 


Article 14: You have the right to choose your own religion and beliefs. 




LO: To use a range of materials to make Victorian Peg Dolls. 


As part of the Year 5 topic 'The Victorians' the children planned and made their own Victorian Peg dolls. The tradition of making Peg dolls out of pegs came from a time when people had very little money in World War 2, toy making stopped and children made toys from materials they found in and out their houses. 




What a fantastic start to the summer term, pupils are learning about "Time traveller".  Pupils started the project by thinking of what they would like to learn during the learning project: 



Thursday 2nd May 2019.

West Midlands Safari Park.

The pupils took place in a "footsteps through time" experience.  Pupils learnt about dinosaurs and fossils.  They also had the opportunity to "meet the animals".  Pupils also visited "dinosaur land" and learnt about different dinosaurs.  Pupils went on a safari and asked lots of questions about the different animals and their natural environments.

7.5.19 - PSHE: Anti-Social Behaviour


Pupils learnt about what Anti-Social Behaviour is.  They worked in small groups to discuss different scenarios.  They also discussed UNICEF article 15.  Here is what they presented:


LO: To identify 3D shapes from 2D representations.

For ‘Maths of the Day’ children looked at 2D nets and identified the 2D shapes and faces that make up the nets. Children discussed in groups what 3D shapes the nets would create and identified how many vertices, faces and edges each 3D shape would have once joined up. Children completed their tables and rotated the shapes until all 6 shapes had been identified.

Sketching in the style of Dali.

Year 5 pupils have been learning about various artists including Salvador Dali.  Pupils looked at “The Persistence of memory” and had a discussion about the painting and Dali’s style of painting.  Pupils then used different techniques to sketch their own drawings in Dali’s style.  Some definite budding artists with artistic flair:


Year 5 Welcome Meeting
